Friday, May 10, 2019

Field Day, Park Day, Charlie Celebration... What fun!!

   We have had a VERY ACTIVE week!  Monday was Field Day.  We had a blast playing games, laughing, running, and unfortunately, getting beat in Tug of War.  The students showed great sportsmanship and teamwork.  I was extremely proud of each of them!  Wednesday was Park Day with the 3rd- 5th grade.  We had a GORGEOUS day.  We enjoyed hot dogs, chips, cookies, and Sno-Cones!  Football games, water fights, jump roping, swinging, running, playing, volleyball... fun times had by everyone!  Today, Friday, we had our Charlie Celebration!  We had candy grab bags, watched the movie, and enjoyed each other's company.  There are pictures below of Field Day and Park Day!
    I am very proud of the hard work of ALL of my students.  They continuously showed determination and focus to do their best!  They should all be applauded! They are READY for 5th grade and I cannot wait to watch them all SOAR!  Thank you for sharing your blessings with me!  I will miss them all dearly!
      Next week is our last week and each day is a half day (11:00 dismissal).If your child is staying for Extended Care, he/she will need a packed lunch.   Our last day is Thursday, May 16.  Below is a summary of what is planned for next week:
  • Monday- Thursday, May 13-16- Half Days.  This will be an 11:00 dismissal every day.  We will have various activities each day.
  • Monday, May 13- Book Buddy Party and Game Day.   We will clean out the classroom, go to P.E., have a Book Buddy Party, and have some game time.   11:00 Dismissal
  • Tuesday, May 14- Breakfast Celebration and Time Together!  I am asking that parents sign up to send in various breakfast foods for us to enjoy together!  We will also go to P.E. and have some celebration time!  11:00 Dismissal
  • Wednesday, May 15- Awards Day  This will be at 8:15 in the Middle School Gym.  I have sent the e-mails if your child is receiving an award. 11:00 Dismissal
  • Thursday, May 16- Last Day of School/ Movie Day  We will watch a movie and say our last goodbyes!  11:00 Dismissal

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Tennessee Projects are Done!

  The Tennessee Projects are done!  Students turned in their Tennessee Scrapbooks on Wednesday, and I have LOVED looking through them!  I have enjoyed seeing all the different sites the students visited and learning so much about our wonderful state.  I am proud of each and every student!  They did a FANTASTIC job!
   We only have 2 weeks of school left!  I cannot believe it!  I have loved having each of my 15 blessings this year and I am not ready to let go of them.  We have had a great year and I know the last two weeks will be WONDERFUL.  Just a reminder of a few upcoming dates.....
  • Monday, May 6- Field Day
  • Wednesday, May 8- Park Day with 3rd-5th grade.  We will be spending the day at Lee Victory Park.  Students will play games, run, laugh, and celebrate the end of the year!
  • Monday- Thursday, May 13-16- Half Days.  This will be an 11:00 dismissal every day.  We will have various activities each day.
  • Monday, May 13- Book Buddy Party and Game Day.  11:00 Dismissal
  • Tuesday, May 14- Breakfast Celebration and Time Together!  I am asking that parents sign up to send in various breakfast foods for us to enjoy together!  11:00 Dismissal
  • Wednesday, May 15- Awards Day  This will be at 8:15 in the Middle School Gym.  You will receive an e-mail from me by Friday, May 10th, if your child will be receiving an awardIf you do not receive an e-mail from me, your child will not be receiving an award.  11:00 Dismissal
  • Thursday, May 16- Last Day of School/ Movie Day  11:00 Dismissal
Thank you for making our class and EHCS such a great place to be!  We appreciate you!