Saturday, April 27, 2019

"Rocking Around the 50's" was AWESOME!!

  What an AMAZING week!!  I was SO PROUD of every one of my sweet 15 blessings!  They ROCKED the 3rd-5th grade play.  They danced, sang, and laughed through the whole performance!  The crowd loved it and I know you were singing along with me!  Thank you to Mrs. Shannon for an outstanding program!
    This upcoming week is filled with some exciting events and assignments!  Don't forget... THE TENNESSEE SCRAPBOOK IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st.  I cannot wait to look through all of them and see all the hard work and creativity put in to each one!  If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me!
   Below are the events coming up!
  • Wednesday, May 1- Tennessee Scrapbook is due.  Please refer to the rubric in the Tennessee packet.  Don't wait till the last minute to start this project!
  • Friday, May 3- Field Day.  This is a fun filled morning where students play hard, laugh a lot, and make memories!
  • Wednesday, May 8- Park Day with 3rd-5th grade.  We will be spending the day at Lee Victory Park.  Students will play games, run, laugh, and celebrate the end of the year!
  • Monday- Thursday, May 13-16- Half Days.  This will be an 11:00 dismissal every day.  We will have various activities each day.
  • Wednesday, May 15- Awards Day  You will receive an e-mail from me by Friday, May 10th, if your child will be receiving an award.  If you do not receive an e-mail from me, your child will not be receiving an award.  
  • Thursday, May 16- Last Day of School
Thank you for all you do for EHCS and for our class!  We appreciate you!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Downtown Walking Tour and Our Upcoming Play!!

   April is ZOOMING by and pretty soon it will be May!  Can you believe it???  This past week was filled with business and making memories.  The students brought in their Tennessee Dioramas on Monday.  They all look FANTASTIC!  I am so proud of their hard work and effort they each put into doing their best!  If you haven't gotten to see them, they are still on display!
   On Wednesday, we went on our Downtown Walking Tour.  We had a BEAUTIFUL day to learn more about our state's history, heroes, and landmarks.  We even got to hear Governor Lee speak for a few minutes!  Our tour guide was amazing as always and I heard many students say this was their favorite field trip.  Thank you to all the parents who chaperoned!  I have posted lots of pictures below.  Feel free to copy them for your child's Tennessee Scrapbook!  The Scrapbook is due on Wednesday, May 1!
    Our 3rd- 5th grade play is this upcoming Thursday, April 25.  It will be at 6:30 in the High School Gym.  It is SO CUTE and the students do a FABULOUS job performing!  I promise you will be very entertained!  I have posted a picture below of the students in their costumes.  Feel free to share it on Facebook, Instagram, etc... to get more people to the show!
   Don't forget about the important upcoming dates:
  • Thursday, April 25- 3rd-5th grade Play.  This play is so cute and fun.  It will be in the High School Gym.  You do not want to miss it!  More information will be sent out soon!
  • Wednesday, May 1- Tennessee Scrapbook is due.  Please refer to the rubric in the Tennessee packet.  Don't wait till the last minute to start this project!
  • Friday, May 3- Field Day.  This is a fun filled morning where students play hard, laugh a lot, and make memories!
  • Wednesday, May 8- Park Day with 3rd-5th grade.  We will be spending the day at Lee Victory Park.  Students will play games, run, laugh, and celebrate the end of the year!
  • Monday- Thursday, May 13-16- Half Days.  This will be an 11:00 dismissal every day.  We will have various activities each day.
  • Thursday, May 16- Last Day of School
Have a GREAT week, and I will see you on Thursday!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Rocking Our Achievement Tests and Upcoming Events!!

  We finished our Achievement Tests!!  Hooray!!  The students did an AMAZING job with their focus, determination to do their best, and perseverance through each test!  I am very proud of each and every one of them!  Now on to finishing up the year strong!!
   We have a few important assignments, events, and celebrations coming up!  Please make note of the important dates listed in the Calendar section of this blog.

  • Monday, April 15- Tennessee Diorama is due.  I have resent the rubric that will be used to grade the diorama.  If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me!
  • Wednesday, April 17- Downtown Walking Tour.  It looks like the weather may hold out for us, so if you plan on being a parent chaperone, E-MAIL ME BY MONDAY, APRIL 15.
  • Thursday, April 18- Parade of Play Costumes.  Your child will walk through the hallways in his/her play costume to get students excited about the upcoming play!  Please make sure your child comes in his/her costume and brings his/her uniform to change into after the parade.
  • Friday, April 19- No School
  • Thursday, April 25- 3rd-5th grade Play.  This play is so cute and fun.  It will be in the High School Gym.  You do not want to miss it!  More information will be sent out soon!
  • Wednesday, May 1- Tennessee Scrapbook is due.  Please refer to the rubric in the Tennessee packet.  Don't wait till the last minute to start this project!
  • Friday, May 3- Field Day.  This is a fun filled morning where students play hard, laugh a lot, and make memories!
  • Wednesday, May 8- Park Day with 3rd-5th grade.  We will be spending the day at Lee Victory Park.  Students will play games, run, laugh, and celebrate the end of the year!
  • Monday- Thursday, May 13-16- Half Days.  This will be an 11:00 dismissal every day.  We will have various activities each day.
  • Thursday, May 16- Last Day of School
  Spring pictures were sent home this week!  Please return the order form and payment if you plan to purchase your child's Spring Pictures!  Also, if you wanted to order a class picture,  you can go to Tucker Photography's web page and order online!
   Smith Brother's Car Wash Tickets are on sale!  All the proceeds go straight to EHCS.  This is a wonderful fundraiser and it will give you a chance to get a FABULOUS car wash this summer!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Boosterthon Fun Run and Achievement Tests!!

  We had a FABULOUS time at our annual Spring Sprint Fun Run!!  The students raised lots of money for our school, ran their hearts out, and laughed through all of it!  I loved running/walking with all my 15 blessings!  Thank you all for the hard work in raising money for our school.  We appreciate every one of you!  Below are a few pictures!
   This upcoming week, we have Achievement Tests.  That means there will be no tests or homework this week. Here are some important reminders about Achievement Tests:

  • Do not put unneeded pressure on your student.  These students are ready for the test and can sometimes get nervous.  Please just remind them to do their best, read all the answer choices, rule out the answers that don't make sense, and focus.
  • Go to bed at a good bedtime.  Students need good rest so they can be focused and ready!
  • Eat a protein filled breakfast each morning.  Sugary breakfasts can cause students to "crash" in the middle of the morning.  Good breakfast examples would be sausage biscuit, bacon biscuit, eggs, protein smoothie, cheese toast, etc.....
  • Be on Time!  We will start promptly at 7:55 a.m.  If your child arrives late, he or she will not be permitted into the room and will have to take his/her test at another time.
  • Pack a healthy snack.  Students will get  a chance to have a quick snack.  Please not sugary drinks, candy bars, etc...  Some good ideas are Cheez Its, Goldfish, crackers and cheese, grapes, oranges, apples, peanut butter crackers, etc...
   Don't forget about some upcoming events:
  • April 15- Tennessee Dioramas are due
  • April 17- Downtown Walking Tour
  • April 19- No School
  • April 25- 3rd-5th grade Play
  • May 1- Tennessee Scrapbook is due
Have a GREAT week!!