Friday, September 28, 2018


  It's finally Fall Break!!  Can you believe it?!  The students have worked SO HARD this first nine weeks and I am very proud of each of them.  The first nine weeks is a lot of review, so students will be introduced to a lot more new concepts and topics for the next 3 nine weeks.  Do not be surprised if your student has more homework.  I pray that each of you may find rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation during this Fall Break.  We will be ready to tackle the next nine weeks when we return!
    This week was National Week of Prayer and we did something very special with our Book Buddies.  We are book buddies with Mrs. Williams Pre-K class.  Today, the book buddies paired up and prayed together.  It is a beautiful sight to see children pray and pour their hearts out to the Lord.  I love being able to teach at a place where we can talk about God ANY TIME!  Picture below!
    When we return from Fall Break, we will have Homecoming Spirit Week!!  The students LOVE Spirit Week!  If your child does not dress up, he/she must be in school uniform!   Here is the schedule for Homecoming Spirit Week:

Monday- "I Woke Up Like This" ( Glamour or PJ's) 
Tuesday- Cartoon Character 
Wed- Crazy Sock Day 
Thursday- Hat Day 
Friday- Ezell Harding Spirit Day ( School Spirit Day, Can wear jeans on this day ) 

Rules for Dress Up Days:
  • No tank tops or sleeveless shirts 
  • No tight fitting clothing 
  • No low cut shirts 
  • No Short skirts or dresses 
  • No Mask 
  • No Face Paint 
  • No Hair Coloring 
  • Students Not Dressed Up, MUST BE IN UNIFORM 
  Have a FABULOUS Fall Break!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Invertebrates and Gardens

   Snails, flatworms, and jellyfish....OH MY!!  We have been studying about invertebrates this week in Science!  The students each chose an invertebrate they wanted to know more about.  They then created a Google Slideshow to present to the class.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!  We learned SO MUCH about invertebrates!  The last slide they were assigned to do was "I still wonder...".  It was great to watch the students dive deeper into their research to find the answers to their "I still wonder.." questions.  They were coming up to me saying" I found the answer to _____________" or " Hey! Listen to this....."  I love those "light bulb" moments in learning!
    We are almost finished with our Novel Study of "Sarah, Plain and Tall".  Every time we finish reading the chapters assigned for the day, the students always say" Awwww.... Just one more chapter!  Please!!"  I love watching the mystery in their eyes as they try to predict what happens next!  There will be a test on Friday! 
    We had an ice cream party with our Book Buddies this morning since we may not be able to meet next week because of upcoming Fall Break plans!  Below are pictures!  There are also pictures from our School Garden that we continue to work on!
   There are LOTS of tests next week!  Please make sure you look at the assignments and upcoming tests on the side of this blog.
   Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Grandparents' Day

   Happy Grandparents' Day!!  I am so sorry I was not able to meet all the grandparents, but I saw a video of my sweet students doing the Grandparents Rap!  THEY ROCKED IT!!!  I hope that everyone had a FANTASTIC day! 
    We have lots of events and assignments coming up this week!  They are:

  • Parent Teacher Conferences- Tuesday, September 18.  If you have not signed up on Sign Up Genius, please do so.  I cannot wait to meet with each of you to discuss all the AMAZING things your child is doing and has already accomplished.
  • Picture Day-  Thursday, September 20.  Students should wear their SCHOOL UNIFORMS for the pictures.  This is the picture that will be in the yearbook.
  • Fall Break- October 1-5.  This is a great time of rest and relaxation for students and families.  Enjoy it!
    Thank you for all that you do to make EHCS such a fabulous place!  We appreciate you!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Book Buddy Fun and Pollinating Flowers!

  How is it already SEPTEMBER???  We are breezing through the school year!  I am so proud of the hard work and dedication to doing their best that the students show on a daily basis.  They continue to amaze and impress me!!
   We have lots of important dates and events coming up!  They are:

  • Grandparent's Day (Friday, September 14)-  Come and enjoy our Grandparent's Day program and stay to hear our Grandparent's Day Rap.  I have received many of the yellow forms letting me know if your child is staying or leaving with a grandparent.  If he/she is staying, please make sure he/she has a packed lunch.  Dress Code on that Friday is SCHOOL UNIFORM!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (Tuesday, September 18)-  I will have a sign up sheet on the desk out of my classroom for sign ups.  I will try to offer some times in the mornings and right after school on that week.  On Tuesday, the times available will be from 3:05-7:00.  Let me know if there is a time you need to meet, and I will do my best to fit you in.
    Today, we met with our Pre-K Book buddies in Mrs. Williams class.  This is such a special program where students of different ages may create a bond and be mentors.  My 4th graders are so good with them and show great love to each child!  Below are some pictures from today.
    In Science, we discussed pollination, fertilization, and reproduction of plants.  Today for Science, we we went to the STEM Lab and we were "bees".  Students drank "nectar" (Juice Boxes) and touched the "anthers" (Cheetos)  where they picked up "pollen" (Cheeto Dust).  They then went to flowers with letters to spell their names by touching each flower with their "pollen" fingers.  We discovered that pollen is passed from plant to plant by different animals.  The students LOVED it!  Below are pictures!
   Have a FANTASTIC weekend!